
Eminem X Aerosmith - Sing for the Moment/Dream On Mashup (HQ Remake)

Fort Minor ft Eminem (Welcome X Beautiful): youtube.com/watch?v=g-rXUkQV6ds

Loved these both songs, listened to an old remix of it, one comment asked for someone to do it with better quality so I made this remake.

Old Remake: youtube.com/watch?v=-57LKUE1nyo

Merch: teeshul.com

Hows the new song Darkness and new album Music to Be Murdered By btw? Another surprise by Em

Songs mixed:
Eminem — Sing for the Moment
Aerosmith — Dream On

John Wick Believer Music Video | Imagine Dragons - Believer | FMV

John Wick — Believer [Diamond Studio by Dmitry Myzhetsky]

Not available for viewing on some devices, including on mobile phones, as well as gaming and TV set-top boxes, video can not be watched.

Video: John Wick
Music: Imagine Dragons — Believer

Idea and edited and so on by Dmitry Myzhetsky

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