
Самые провальные фильмы десятилетия

Смотрите также:
Новости кино — www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLG9pXPpI_vChZZXdB_l_mN7GrNc-8K4G-
Обзоры — www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLG9pXPpI_vCgMjHE0KX09gzmUTCgqPTNa
ТОПы — www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLG9pXPpI_vCiiawJ650hEHyg8U-XaYCdn

Мы на других площадках:
Мир фантастики: vk.com/mirfantastiki
Наш паблик про кино: vk.com/igromania_kino
Группа ВКонтакте — vk.com/igromania
Паблик ВКонтакте — vk.com/igroman
Twitch-канал: www.twitch.tv/igromania
Facebook — www.facebook.com/Gamers2Gamers
Twitter — twitter.com/igromania
Google — plus.google.com/ игромания
Instagram — instagram.com/igromania
Viber: chats.viber.com/igromania

Сборник Коля-жмот | Уральские пельмени

Сборник Коля-жмот | Уральские пельмени

Официальный сайт:

► Сайт — ctc.ru/

► Телепрограмма — ctc.ru/programm/

► Сериалы — ctc.ru/projects/serials/

► Новости — ctc.ru/zakadrom/novosti/

Приложение СТС для iOS и Android:

► Скачать приложение — ctc.ru/apps/

Социальные сети:

► Группа VK — vk.com/ctc

► Мы в Facebook — www.facebook.com/ctc

► Мы в Twitter — twitter.com/ctc

► Наш Instagram — instagram.com/tv_ctc

► Мы в Одноклассниках — www.ok.ru/ctc

Song of the Bitter Memories - Dramatic Piano Music [FREE DOWNLOAD]

This music piece featuring piano and cellos with sad and dramatic mood. This music is perfect for films and movies, trailers, teasers, intro, games and other projects.

● You can use this music track for any your project. Please, point me as music author and just put the link of my YouTube channel or my SoundCloud page in the description on your video.

● All my music is absolutely free however, if you are willing to support me
you can donate to my PAYPAL ADDRESS:
support my PATREON PAGE:

● Even 1$ from you will be great support. It helps me to move forward and keep making music for you!
Thank you and have a nice listening!!!

☺ Hello everyone!
My name is Serjo. Im a pianist and composer.
Im making music in different styles.
My dream is to share it with the world.
All of my music tracks are totally free!
And yes, you can use it for any your project.
I would like to spend more time to making music, but my hand disease does not allow it. :-(
But even so, Im really happy to sharing my little music with you and know that someone likes it!

► If you have any questions to me please feel free to write me at email: serjo.de.lua.music@gmail.com

● Please Subscribe to me! :)

Courage and Willpower - Epic Motivational [FREE DOWNLOAD]

This is an powerful epic, motivation and inspiration cinematic music track.
Its consists of two parts and both parts are full of energy and inspiration.
The second part starts at 2:07.

● You can use this music track for any your project. Please, point me as music author and just put the link of my YouTube channel or my SoundCloud page in the description on your video.

● All my music is absolutely free however, if you are willing to support me
you can donate to my PAYPAL ADDRESS:
you can purchase this music track on BandCamp:
support my PATREON PAGE:

●Even 1$ from you will be great support. It helps me to move forward and keep making music for you!
Thank you and have a nice listening!!!

♫ Download mp3: drive.google.com/open?id=1wntFMU0pI5DysnMnPvWQfV8s_2HlcMIk
✿Original picture: bit.ly/2DdUR2B

☺ Hello everyone!
My name is Serjo. Im a pianist and composer.
Im making music in different styles.
My dream is to share it with the world.
All of my music tracks are totally free!
And yes, you can use it for any your project.
I would like to spend more time to making music, but my hand disease does not allow it. :-(
But even so, Im really happy to sharing my little music with you and know that someone likes it!

► If you have any questions to me please feel free to write me at email: serjo.de.lua.music@gmail.com

● Please Subscribe to me! :)

Closer to Your Dream - Inspiring Cinematic Music [FREE DOWNLOAD]

Its an inspiring and emotional cinematic music track with orchestral background with piano, strings, brass and epic percussion It’s good for Epic and Inspiring Trailers, intros, videos and any Inspiring projects.

● You can use this music track for any your project. Please, point me as music author and just put the link of my YouTube channel or my SoundCloud page in the description on your video.

● All my music is absolutely free however, if you are willing to support me
you can donate to my PAYPAL ADDRESS:
you can purchase this music track on BandCamp:
support my PATREON PAGE:

● Even 1$ from you will be great support. It helps me to move forward and keep making music for you!
Thank you and have a nice listening!!!

♫ Download mp3: drive.google.com/open?id=10XZYriOzaG_dqIu228YCmrPN3wQaSiS1
✿Original picture: www.pexels.com/photo/silhouette-of-bird-above-clouds-755385/

☺ Hello everyone!
My name is Serjo. Im a pianist and composer.
Im making music in different styles.
My dream is to share it with the world.
All of my music tracks are totally free!
And yes, you can use it for any your project.
I would like to spend more time to making music, but my hand disease does not allow it. :-(
But even so, Im really happy to sharing my little music with you and know that someone likes it!

► If you have any questions to me please feel free to write me at email: serjo.de.lua.music@gmail.com

● Please Subscribe to me! :)


Оглянувшись в прошлое, можно заметить, что история человечества полна необъяснимых случайностей и поразительных совпадений. На основе исторических фактов мы составили свою версию самых невероятных совпадений в истории человечества.

►Наш паблик ВКонтакте: vk.com/buffet_club
►Наш сайт: buffetclub.ru

1) Kai Engel — Daemones
2) Kai Engel — Plague
3) Kai Engel — Headway
4) Kai Engel — Cold War Echo